Beer of the Weekend #969: Devil's Advocate

The beer of the weekend is something new from Iowa’s oldest microbrewery: Devil’s Advocate, brewed by the Millstream Brewing Company of Amana, Iowa.

Devil's Advocate

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “17 02 22” is printed on the bottom, which I assume is a day-month-year canning date.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. (Yes, I have a Millstream pint glass. I doubt I have ever used it for BotW before.) The color is hazy, medium gold. A half finger of off-white, buttery head dissipates quickly and leaves an even lacing with spots of bubbles and a short trail of foam stuck to the glass.

Smell: Nothing stands out, but it is hoppy and portends citrus and fruit. It smells like a red/amber ale mixed with an IPA. It has a lot more caramel than any other IPA I have ever had. Grapefruit, orange, a hint of pineapple, and caramel.

Taste: Much like the aroma, it is like a red/amber ale mixed with an IPA. It leans malty with caramel and a touch of red licorice, but some citrus does come through, tickling the taste buds with some bitterness and acidity. There are also flavors of grapefruit, orange, and something really bitter as well (perhaps lime). It has a touch of honey as well.

Fun facts about Devil’s Advocate:

• Style: Millstream calls it “West Coast style IPA.”

• Price: $9.99 for a sixer at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 6.7 percent ABV.

• IBU: 50.

• Millstream is no longer your dad’s microbrewery with five or six malt-heavy year-round beers. Though the brewery started branching out and brewing different stuff over the last 10 years or so, it was acquired by new owners sometime recently and they have expanded the selection a lot. I need to try more of it.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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