Beer of the Weekend #949: Unify Hazy IPA

It’s Friday night, and the moon is right ... for me to drink a beer and realize I need a different tool than the one I got to change the pedals on my road bike (d’oh!).

It’s been a while, and I have some beers to review. But first, I need to write about the last new beer I drank: Unify Hazy IPA, brewed by the Backpocket Brewery of Coralville, Iowa, in collaboration with the Iowa Brewers’ Guild.

Unify Hazy IPA

Unify is unique because I took notes about it on two separate occasions, weeks apart. I am going to combine them as best as I can. (Reading through them now, I realize my first set of notes is much better.)

Serving type: 16-ounce can poured into a pint glass.

Appearance: The color is hazy, medium dishwater orange. A finger of off-white, bubble-spotted head dissipates slowly.

Smell: It’s really fruity. There are scents of grapefruit, earthy hops, orange, and that hazy IPA aroma, which I think is yeast. It portends hoppiness.

Taste: It’s pretty hoppy. The grapefruit is there, as is the earthiness, which dominates. The bitterness works the tonsils. The citrus is upfront as well. It’s heavy and borders on being too much for me; I don’t think I could drink two pints in a row, especially after drinking two beers before it. I also get stone fruit, tangerine, and a touch of Orange Julius. The bitterness fades as it warms but the sweetness remains.

Fun facts about Unify IPA:

• Style: Hazy IPA.

• Price: $13.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at John’s Grocery on February 12, 2021. Yeah, it’s been a while since I reviewed a beer.

• Alcohol content: 6.5 percent ABV.

• Unify is a collaboration created and released by the Iowa Brewers’ Guild:

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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