Beer of the Weekend #941: A Christmas Beer

Tis the season for Christmas releases, and last week I drank one that I had never seen before: A Christmas Beer, brewed by the Exile Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa

A Christmas Ale

The color is ruddy brown that is clear. A finger of light tan, buttery head dissipates pretty quickly, leaving a spot of skim and narrow collar.

The aroma is fruity and bready. Cherry licorice reminiscent of Twizzlers, dark berry jam, caramel, cocoa. The brewery website mentions dried figs and peaches, but I don’t get them. OK, maybe the figs, but not the peaches. It smells like a holiday cookie or pie. It definitely tastes like a doppelbock.

The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy. The ABV is not prominent, but it is noticeable and present with each sip. It is not as candylike as the aroma. The cocoa is more prominent. It has a touch of spice, maybe nutmeg. Toasted malt is also present. The Foxy Lady says the toast is like the perfect golden brown on a roasted marshmallow scooped off, liquified, and added to Bud Light. The cherry and fruit emerge farther into the pint. Caramel becomes prominent, and it also has a honey flavor. It is not the most festive Christmas beer, but it is really tasty and drinkable.

Fun facts about A Christmas Beer:

• Style: Doppelbock.

• Price: $9.99 for a six-pack of 12-ounce bottles at the New Pioneer Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 7.3 percent ABV.

• IBU: 20.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+/A-


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