Good Tunes: Nokternal, 'Aurora'

Bobblehead recently found and offered me a piece of our shared history: the copy of Grand Theft Auto III we played while living together in Apartment 12.

I gladly accepted the offer!

Though I have not picked it up yet, I look forward to the day when I put it in my PS2 (yes, I still own one). It’s a game I fondly remember; Bobblehead, our motley crew of guests, and myself had a lot of fun playing it. The opening, especially the Rockstar Games logo sequence, always called to me every time someone started the game.

As happy as I am that Bobblehead found his copy of GTA3 (he’s the one who bought it), I hope he finds another game we loved playing: Midnight Club II.

When Bobblehead found GTA3, it sparked memories of MC2 as well. Not only is MC2 a great racing game, it has an amazing electronic soundtrack. To feed my nostalgia, I found gameplay videos and the soundtrack playlist on YouTube. Among the gems on the soundtrack is this: “Aurora” by Nokternal.

Tunes like this were perfect for hypnotic freeway cruises while stoned! ;-)


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