Beer of the Weekend #932: Oasis Light Lager
I’ve been craving some Czech pilsner for some reason, so I planned to buy a sixer of Lion Bridge’s Živá Voda. I couldn’t find it, though, but I did find a pack of another Czech pilsner: Oasis Light Lager, brewed by the Firetrucker Brewery of Ankeny, Iowa.
![Oasis Light Lager](
Poured into a fluted pilsner glass. (I decided to get fancy instead of using my Schlitz or John’s Grocery pilsner glasses. A fluted glass is considered a pilsner glass in Mosher’s Tasting Beer, so I thought I would give it a whirl.) The color is clear and very pale straw. A bad pour produced a very thin off-white head that dissipates quickly.
The aroma and flavor are, as promised, light. There’s not much aroma at first other than a faint scent of light malt, probably adjunct (I’m thinking corn), and a touch of citrus. As it warms, light grass becomes evident. Faint esters also appear, mostly a touch of strawberry.
The flavor is light but has a pleasing, earthy bite at the end. It’s slightly grassy. Pale malt, adjunct, and lemon citrus lingers on the taste buds. It’s not as boring as it is when drinking out of the can. (When drinking from the can, it reminded me of tequila. I did not get that from the glass.) It’s easy drinking and would be a good Ragbrai pounder. It’s light craft beer. I don’t think light craft beer is an oxymoron; light beer is beer, and craft breweries can brew it, so kudos to Firetrucker. I think it needs more flavor, though.
Fun facts about Oasis Light Lager:
• Style: Light Bohemian pilsner.
• Price: $9.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at the Hy-Vee Drug on First Avenue in Iowa City.
• Alcohol content: 4.4 percent ABV.
• IBU: 32.
The Quiet Man’s grade: C.
![Oasis Light Lager](
Poured into a fluted pilsner glass. (I decided to get fancy instead of using my Schlitz or John’s Grocery pilsner glasses. A fluted glass is considered a pilsner glass in Mosher’s Tasting Beer, so I thought I would give it a whirl.) The color is clear and very pale straw. A bad pour produced a very thin off-white head that dissipates quickly.
The aroma and flavor are, as promised, light. There’s not much aroma at first other than a faint scent of light malt, probably adjunct (I’m thinking corn), and a touch of citrus. As it warms, light grass becomes evident. Faint esters also appear, mostly a touch of strawberry.
The flavor is light but has a pleasing, earthy bite at the end. It’s slightly grassy. Pale malt, adjunct, and lemon citrus lingers on the taste buds. It’s not as boring as it is when drinking out of the can. (When drinking from the can, it reminded me of tequila. I did not get that from the glass.) It’s easy drinking and would be a good Ragbrai pounder. It’s light craft beer. I don’t think light craft beer is an oxymoron; light beer is beer, and craft breweries can brew it, so kudos to Firetrucker. I think it needs more flavor, though.
Fun facts about Oasis Light Lager:
• Style: Light Bohemian pilsner.
• Price: $9.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at the Hy-Vee Drug on First Avenue in Iowa City.
• Alcohol content: 4.4 percent ABV.
• IBU: 32.
The Quiet Man’s grade: C.
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