Beer of the Weekend #773: Hoppy Birthday

The beer of the weekend is from another brewery that recently entered the Hawkeye State: Hoppy Birthday, brewed by the Alpine Beer Company of Alpine, California.

The color is clear, light amber. Two fingers of eggshell-colored, shiny head settles slowly and evenly, leaving a short trail of lacing as it dissipates. The aroma is citrusy, a touch tropical, with an astringent edge. There are scents of grapefruit and orange, but more lemon zest and astringency. There are hints of arboreal spice. It’s tame and balanced, but the malt is not prominent in the aroma. The flavor is zesty, and a bitter hop astringency is predominant. In the background are flavors of grapefruit, orange, and a touch of pine. There may be a little kiwi and also pineapple, but they are only bit players, taking a backseat to the hop astringency.

Fun facts about Hoppy Birthday:

• Style: IPA.

• Price: $11.99 per six-pack of 12-ounce bottles at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.25 percent ABV.

• IBU: 69.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.

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