Beer of the Weekend #664: Doomtree

After sporadically teasing us for a while, Surly finally started distributing full-time to Iowa this week. I thought I would mark the occasion with a BotW tasting.

The beer of the weekend is Doomtree, brewed by the Surly Brewing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Serving type: 16-ounce bottle. “CANNED ON 02/16/15” is written on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Pours a hazy, ruddy amber into an imperial, nonick pint glass. A finger of buttery, tight, eggshell-colored head leaves a bubbly spotted skim and a ring around the edge.

Smell: This is not your grandpa’s ESB. The dry-hopping is evident right off the bat with pine and floral hops. Belgian-like yeast spice, which is also funky, is also prominent. They are followed by toasted malts, caramel, and a little chocolate.

Taste: The beer’s webpage says it is “subtly spicy.” Not! The spice and funk are prominent, but the malt foundation is also noticeable. There are flavors of floral hops and Belgian yeast spice and funk at first. Toasted malt, caramel, a little chocolate, and some dark fruit gradually emerge.

Drinkability: The spice is over the top, but it is still very tasty and drinkable.

Fun facts about Doomtree:

-Style: The cashier at John’s told me it is an ESB. Good enough.

-Price: I’m not sure. I forgot to grab the receipt.

-Alcohol content: 5.7 percent ABV.

-The beer is named after Doomtree, a Minneapolis-based hip-hop collective.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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