The Novel Diary: Week 41

Word count: 40,082.

I cannot say I was too productive last week with my new outline, but I did have an epiphany. It was one of those “it came to me in the shower” type things, only I was running instead of in the shower. Just like in Tetris, I fit a final block into place and cleaned the entire board, scoring major points. (I think I only did that once.) Random thoughts turned into a major event. I love it when that happens.

What else have I been doing? Besides deliberating whether or not to go to my high school reunion? Enjoying a ton of football. Fuck — I wonder if I will even be ready to start writing again by my December 4 goal. I almost want to target the day after the BCS National Championship Game again. However, I do not want to wait that long; by then, I will have rested for over four months. That is crazy long. I need to get writing.


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