The Novel Diary: Week 38

Word count: 40,082.

Tonight I am writing again, but this time for the LV. I “covered” Saturday’s Brewfest and am writing a “little” article about the experience for the website. I took my notebook and microrecorder, but only interviewed one person. I was feeling very timid and unjournalistic, but I took good notes. And drank some good beer.

So the process of planning the novel continues…despite the fact I did not return to my journal again after last Monday. Bad Quiet Man. Bad. It was a combination of laziness and apparently doing something to pass the time. What did I do? I have no clue. I was probably watching obscure YouTube video, which has apparently become my new favorite pastime. It truly is entertaining. However, it is very wasteful. I need to be in novel mode. Tomorrow night I may make that long overdue visit to the Foxhead to sip a Back Roads Stout and write away my novel troubles. We’ll see, though.


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