Beer of the Weekend #93: Josephs Brau Oktoberfest

I ran tonight so I don’t have to tomorrow, the college football Sabbath. The last time the Hawks played late I ran early, around 2 pm, so I wouldn’t miss the game. However, I missed much of the midday match-ups. I don’t have that problem tomorrow.

The beer this weekend is Josephs Brau Oktoberfest brewed by the Trader Joe’s Brewing Company of San Jose, California.

Serving type: Six 12-ounce bottles.

Appearance: Pours a light copper. Two fingers of thick, billowy head developed and dissipated very slowly to leave a spotted lacing and thick ring around the outside. (I poured it straight down, as I recently read is, strangely, the way to do it.)

Smell: Sweet caramel malts, mostly, and there is a scent of grapefruit citrus.

Taste: The caramel malts from the smell are much more bread-like. The citrus is a grapefruit tang, and there’s a well-balanced hop presence.

Drinkability: It’s not a bad brew, but not the best Oktoberfest beer.

Fun facts about JBO:

-Price: $5.99/sixer at Trader Joe’s.

-Serving temperature: 45-50°F.

-Alcohol content: 5.3 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Like last week,
Tasting Beer recommends “Mexican cuisine and other spicy food; chicken, sausage, milder cheeses.” BA just recommends German cuisine.

-IBU: 25. According to
Tasting Beer, this is on the high end for a märzen. The IBU range for Oktoberfest brews is 18-25.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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