Beer of the Weekend #655: You Be You

Sweets and Zaza welcomed Baby H into the world yesterday. A toast to the beginning of a new life!

The beer of the weekend is You Be You, brewed by the Kalona Brewing Company of Kalona, Iowa.

Fittingly, “you be you” is good advice for youngsters.

Serving type: 32-ounce mini growler. No freshness date. Today I learned that one can refill these mini-growlers at Kalona’s brewery.

Appearance: Pours an opaque black into a snifter. A finger and a half of dense, dark tan-colored head dissipates slowly, leaving spots of bubbles, a skim, and a trail of lacing stuck to the glass.

Smell: Sinister. Roasted malt, toasted malt, dark chocolate, molasses, toffee, and caramel are most noticeable. There are also scents of black licorice, maybe a little plum, raisin, and a hint of dark cherry. It is very reminiscent of a chocolate cake with chocolate icing or syrup between layers.

Taste: The first sip is thick, rich, and delicious! The mouthfeel is thick and creamy. Flavors of roasted malt, caramel, a little toffee, dark chocolate, and molasses are most prominent. There are also flavors of plum and dark cherry. Despite the high ABV, there is only a hint of alcohol.

Drinkability: This is devastatingly delicious stuff. The booze, though very well masked, hits you. I think I am going to save half the bottle for tomorrow (which is an added bonus to these mini-growlers).

Fun facts about You Be You:

-Style: Imperial stout.

-Price: $12.99/mini-growler at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 10.2 percent ABV.

-Honestly, I have no clue what that the story is behind the name.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.

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