Beer of the Weekend #1,020: Cran-Orange Wheat

The beer tonight is the oldest can from my spring seasonal 12-pack: Cran-Orange Wheat, brewed by the Brightside Aleworks of Altoona, Iowa.

Cran-Orange Wheat

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “01/03/2023” is printed on the bottom shoulder.

Appearance: Poured into a weizen glass. The color is lightly hazy orange-tinted gold. Two fingers of off-white, fluffy head settles slowly and leaves trails of foam stuck to the glass. It’s a sexy beer.

Smell: The aroma is muted, but there are scents of orange and cranberry juices. It has a general wheat smell and some earthy hops.

Taste: It tastes a little like my mother-in-law’s gin and tonics—which are amazing by themselves, but I am a little leery about a beer having the same taste. It is mostly a similar bright citrus flavor, like lime. Overall, the flavor is a mix of orange, cranberry, wheat, and earthy spice. That gin-and-tonic zing lingers on the taste buds after each sip along with a little earthy bitterness.

Fun facts about Cran-Orange Wheat:

• Style: American pale wheat.

• Price: Unsure. It has been a long time since I bought a BotW beer.

• Alcohol content: 6.2 percent ABV.

• I am slowly but surely shrinking my collection of beer glasses, and my weizen glass collection is now down to three glasses: Pinkus (featured tonight), Paulaner, and UC Irvine. I set out both Weihenstephaner weizen glasses on a free table before we moved, along with my Goose Island Becker, New Glarus samplers, and maybe another glass. All of them were picked up, much to my delight. More space in my cupboards!

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+.


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