Beer of the Weekend #1,003: Liquid Hug

The second beer from my winter-season 12-pack is Liquid Hug, brewed by the Gezellig Brewing Company of Newton, Iowa.

Liquid Hug

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “CALL YOUR MOM 12/13/22” is printed on the bottom of the can.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is clean, clear light gold. A finger of off-white, buttery head dissipates quickly, leaving a bubbly collar and spotted skim.

Smell: Malts and hops. It has a classic beer aroma. It also reminds me of day-old spilled beer, like a wooden bar floor that needs to be mopped; it has a vinegar-like edge that tickles the nostrils. It also get Cheerios and hints of mango, honey, and citrus.

Taste: Sweet and classic. It reminds me of my first good lager—though maybe not as good as that one. Citrus mixes with adjunct malt. It also has a nice bitterness that lingers on the taste buds. The fruit from the aroma is also there.

Fun facts about Liquid Hug:

• Style: Gezellig calls it American lager.

• Price: I’m unsure since it was a present.

• Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the can and website: “Premium German malts and yeast pair with good old American grown flaked corn and just a touch of Azacca hops. This beer tastes like home, wherever those roots may be.”

Hug life!

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-


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