Beer of the Weekend #1,002: Sweet ’n Tart Cherry Sour Ale

The beer of the weekend last weekend was the first from my beer-club seasonal 12-pack: Sweet ’n Tart Cherry Sour Ale, brewed by the Peace Tree Brewing Company of Knoxville, Iowa.

Sweet 'n Tart Cherry Sour Ale

Serving type: 12-ounce can. What looks like “01/06/23” is printed on the bottom, but the day number is smeared.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is reminiscent of hazy apple juice. A finger of white head dissipates quickly, leaving a skim and collar.

Smell: It is tart and fruity. I get more apple than cherry at first, but then maraschino cherry emerges.

Taste: It is tart and fruity like the aroma. Maraschino cherry emerges slowly, and the beer tastes like a very sweet Shirley Temple. It has some funk to it as well. The sweetness coats the taste buds, lingering long after each sip.

Fun facts about Sweet ’n Tart:

• Style: Cherry sour ale.

• Price: Unsure.

• Alcohol content: 5.25 percent ABV.

• Here is the description via the can and website:

This limited edition Sweet ’n Tart Cherry Sour Ale will get your tastebuds popping. Part of our popular Sour Wood Series, this ale starts with a rich, dark, and luscious sweet cherry flavor and finishes tart and fruity. Along the way, there’s a hint of oak to tickle your palette. The result is a sweet ’n tart kettle sour that is the ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!

Ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! I can’t not think of
Dazed and Confused whenever I hear that song.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C.


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