Beer of the Weekend #998: Into the Woods

There is a new mystery in my life: What happened to my snifter?

I cannot find it. Did it break? If it did, I do not remember it. I assume I would remember it breaking since I have had it for so long—since 2011 according to my blog. Granted, my memory is not what it used to be, so it is a possibility. Did I lose it? Is it in a box somewhere? I have moved three times in just over three years, so those are possibilities, too.

If I cannot find it (or remember what happened to it) soon, I need to get a new one. I think I know what BotW #1000 will be and may need a snifter. BeerAdvocate recommends a goblet/chalice, though, which I don’t have, so I would have to get one of those.

Anyway, it is time to drink something I picked up while perusing the selves at John’s recently: Into the Woods, brewed by the Big Grove Brewery of Iowa City, Iowa, in collaboration with the Copper Kettle Brewing Company of Denver, Colorado.

Into the Woods

This beer is like me in a way: an Iowa Citian via Colorado.

Serving type: 16-ounce can. There is no freshness date. Big Grove calls it an “occasional” release and will release it again in October 2023, so I assume this version was released in October 2022.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is opaque dark raspberry. It looks really good. Two fingers of thick, meringue-like head settles very slowly.

Smell: Sour and very fruity. I don’t know how to describe the sourness since I don’t have a lot of experience with sours, but it is akin to a Sour Patch Kid or similar lip-puckering candy. It is funky as well. Those aromas dominate, though there are hints of berries.

Taste: Oh man, this is crushable! Really fruity and tasty. As a lover of berries, this is dangerous stuff for me. I could really over do this. The sourness from the aroma is there, but it is overshadowed by a delicious berry mix that reminds me of a berry-flavored smoothie. Blackberry stands out, but it is perfectly tempered by raspberry. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth. Despite being overshadowed, the sourness does not fade into the background; it coats the taste buds after each sip. This is good stuff!

Fun facts about Into the Woods:

• Style: Big Glove calls it fruited sour.

• Price: $16.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans from John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: The beer’s webpage pegs the ABV at 6.3 percent.

• Here is the description written on the can:

Something weird happened on the way to Colorado from Iowa. Some full-bodied midwestern lactose stumbled through a berry bramble and this perfect kettle sour was born. Raspberries and blackberries give a tart, fruity zing and lactose adds ideal body to this delectable treat. From the fields of Iowa City to Denver’s Rocky Mountains, we know one thing: thirsty happens. When it does, support your local brewery, grab a can, and head into the woods.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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