Beer of the Weekend #983: Hug Deal Gone Sideweiss

The 2022 edition of El Assico did not disappoint—though the result was disappointing for us Hawkeye fans. Oh well. We can’t and shouldn’t win them all. Time to drink beer and watch more football!

It has been a long time since I drank a hefeweizen. So while running errands in the City of Five Smells yesterday, I stopped at Benz and picked up Hug Deal Gone Sideweiss, brewed by the Gezellig Brewing Company of Newton, Iowa.

Hug Deal Gone Sideweiss

Serving type: 16-ounce can. “#YES 2 HUGS 01/03/22” is printed on the bottom.

Appearance: Poured into a weizen glass. The color is cloudy golden wheat. Two fingers of off-white, bubbly, buttery head leaves an even skim.

Smell: Banana! Lots of banana. It definitely smells like an authentic hefe. There are also scents of apple, clove, and wheat bread. There are also hints of bubble gum and pepper.

Taste: It tastes like a hefeweizen, but it is greener and more vegetal. It is probably because this can has been sitting around for a while, which is not ideal. (Honestly, though, it probably has not sat any longer than the Bavarian hefes we get in the States.) Banana and clove are prominent. Bubble gum is noticeable, as is pepper. It’s pretty good, especially for being eight months old.

Fun facts about Hug Deal Gone Sideweiss:

• Style: Hefeweizen.

• Price: $13.49 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at Benz Beverage Depot in Cedar Rapids.

• Alcohol content: 5.8 percent ABV.

• I did not check the bottom of the cans at the store. If I had, I would not have bought it. Coincidentally, though, this pack of Hug Deal Gone Sideweiss was canned the same day my son Jam was born. I feel compelled to save a can.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.


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