#30, #31, #32, and DC

MD, WV, & VA

Nearly five years after I last visited a new state, I visited three in the span of a few hours recently.

The Foxy Lady, Coop, Little Dubs, and I drove to DC for my annual conference two weeks ago. We started at 7:45 p.m. and drove through the night—a first for me. (While very tiring, driving through the night was a good experience and put a lot of miles behind us. It was also ideal for traveling Interstate 80 through the Chicago area.) Along the way in the morning, I was able to add three states—Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia—and “the District” to the list of states I have visited.

Though not the best pics of state signs, they will do. (The windshield was also dirty from whatever Pennsylvania uses to treat its roads. It seemed to be straight salt.) I did not get one for DC because I was driving and forgot to ask The Foxy Lady to take one. Honestly, I am unsure if there is a DC sign along the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge. I checked Google Maps and don’t see one.


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