Beer of the Weekend #942: Iowa City Lager

Beer of the Weekend is double dippin’ for the first time in a long time this weekend—or at least I’m going to attempt to. First up is a beer I’ve seen on shelves for a while but never bought until now: Iowa City Lager, brewed by the Big Grove Brewery of Iowa City, Iowa.

Iowa City Lager

The color is clear, clean straw. A finger of off-white, buttery head dissipates slowly and mostly evenly, leaving lacing and a thick, buttery collar.

The aroma is sharp and earthy. Lots of earthy spice tickles the nose hairs. There are scents of light bread, lemon citrus, and light grass/hay.

The flavor is spot on! Or, fittingly for the Iowa State–Iowa basketball games recently, on point! It’s not as spicy as the aroma, but there is an adequate earthy bite. The mouthfeel is dry but creamy and smooth. Light malt gives it the flavor of light bread. It’s a touch grassy, but that character is overpowered by the earthy hop spice that works and lingers on the tonsils.

Fun facts about Iowa City Lager:

• Style: German-style pilsner.

• Price: $9.99 for a four-pace of 16-ounce cans at Benz Beverage Depot in Cedar Rapids, my first visit there and a new location for BotW. “7/24/2020” is printed on the bottom of the can.

• Alcohol content: 4.9 percent ABV is printed on the can, but the brewery’s website pegs the ABV at 5.1 (and the page includes a picture of the can with 4.9 percent ABV on it).

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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