Beer of the Weekend #669: Hop Silo Double IPA

Wow — I was crazy busy this week. Needless to say, I will thoroughly enjoy a couple days off and a few pints.

The beer of the weekend is Hop Silo Double IPA, brewed by the Summit Brewing Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Serving type: 16-ounce can. The date is printed on the rim of the bottom but “07/27/15” is discernable.

Appearance: Pours a deepish amber into a nonick pint glass. A finger and a half of buttery, eggshell-colored head with a tint of tan leaves hills and valleys of skim spotted with a few bubbles. The valleys slowly widen as the hills dissipate.

Smell: The aroma is somewhat faint, but the usual suspects are noticeable. Grapefruit, perhaps a little orange, some tropical fruit, and some smooth caramel.

Taste: Oh my goodness! Smooth, tasty, and boozy at the end. It is malty at first with a lot of caramel. It is tinged with citrus and bitterness, which slowly steal the show from the malt. There are also earthy hops, pine, and perhaps a little rye. Alcohol is noticeable throughout the pint, but especially after slowly sipping half of the glass.

Drinkability: This is good stuff. It is not bombastic or overly bitter. It is drinkable, but unfortunately not quaffable.

Fun facts about Hop Silo:

•Style: Double IPA.

•Price: $10.99/four-pack at John’s Grocery in Iowa City

•Alcohol content: 8.3 percent ABV.

•IBU: 101. According to the beer’s webpage, it is the first Summit beer to crack 100 IBU.

•I just noticed John’s charged me 80 cents for deposit — for a four-pack of cans. That’s 20 cents per can. The Iowa deposit should be five cents per can. Damn it! I’m going in there tomorrow. Yet another reason you should always check the deposit charge.

•Bullet points, baby!

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+/A-.

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