Beer of the Weekend #572: New Zealand IPA

Today I nabbed a special (and expensive) four-pack at the Co-op. However, I am going to save it for another day because I don’t feel like drinking it tonight. Plus, I told Bobblehead I would split it with him. Perhaps we will need to have a joint tasting.

Anyway, the beer tonight is another from the Cornhusker State: New Zealand IPA, brewed by the Zipline Brewing Company of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. The “BOTTLED” date printed on the label is “2014.03.19.”

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is medium amber that is on the lighter side. Two fingers of eggshell-colored, bubbly head dissipates unevenly and leaves laces of foam along the glass.

Smell: Caramel, toffee, and pale malt predominate, but there are also scents of tangerine, mango, and floral hops. It is sweet and a little fruity. Zipline mentions blackberry on the beer’s webpage and, sure enough, there is a little blackberry. Kind of crazy for an IPA, but whatever. I’ll drink it. (I am sure those were someone’s famous last words.)

Taste: It is a very tasty blend, though the citrus plays a much more prominent role in the flavor, especially tangerine and orange peel zest. The bitterness is abrasive and a little gritty, lightly grinding the taste buds throughout each sip. It turns up a notch as the pint warms. Caramel and pale malts are present, but there is no fruit, tropical or otherwise. A little alcohol is noticeable at the end of each sip.

Drinkability: It has decent flavor and is very tasty and drinkable, but for a little while it turns into a bitter pill. I wish the citrus and tropical fruit were much more prominent and invigorating.

Fun facts about New Zealand IPA:

-Style: American IPA.

-Price: $7.99/sixer at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 6.8 percent ABV.

-IBU: 60.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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