Beer of the Weekend #554: Lucky Buddha

The beer tonight is payment for dogsitting the weekend before last. My cousin gave me another custom sixer from San Antonio and this little guy was added by my uncle for the hell of it: Lucky Buddha, brewed by the Cheerday Brewery of Hangzhou, China.

Serving type: 11.16-ounce bottle (which is just over 330 ml). “25/09/14” is written on the neck and I assume it is the best by date.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is medium gold. A half-finger of fizzy head dissipated very quickly, leaving a spotted skim and very thin ring around the edge.

Smell: After popping the cap I got a massive dose of skunk. In that way, it was very reminiscent of a Czech pilsner from a green bottle. Up close, after the beer has warmed, it offers much the same experience. Pale malts, Saaz hop grassiness, light lemon, and light-struck skunk. The aroma becomes very faint after a few minutes.

Taste: Much like a Czech pilsner but very light. Musty grains, probably corn or rice adjunct, Saaz grassiness, and quite a bit of lemon citrus. If offers a nice bite and is somewhat crisp.

Drinkability: The bottle itself is pretty cool, but the beer inside is lackluster. Drinkable and decent, but nothing special.

Fun facts about Lucky Buddha:

-Style: The beer is classified on BA as “Euro Pale Lager.”

-Price: I have no clue but thank God I got it for free.

-Alcohol content: 4.8 percent ABV.

-Yes, the bottle features a laughing Buddha. I suppose he drank too many Lucky Buddha’s. (The odd thing is that the bottles are going for $20 on Etsy. Twenty bucks for an empty bottle? Yowza.)

The Quiet Man’s grade: C-.

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