Beer of the Weekend #544: Sameul Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout

I have trying beer for my next LV recommendation. The beer today is Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout, brewed by the Samuel Smith Old Brewery of Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, England.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. A code is printed on the neck but there is no discernable freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is black but even light from an overcast day passes through. One finger of dense, buttery, tan head leaves a skim spotted with thick foam and a ring around the edge. A couple swirls produces a thick froth and leaves lacing along the glass.

Smell: Lots of chocolate! It is somewhat reminiscent of a fast food chocolate shake. Dark and milk chocolate, though mostly Valentines Day candy milk chocolate. There is a little caramel and nougat and/or marzipan, too. At times it smells a little like a 3 Musketeers bar. As the beer warms, roasted malts, molasses, and black licorice become more prominent.

Taste: Much like the aroma but the roasted malt bitterness is much more noticeable. There are also flavors of molasses and black licorice, which make it a touch medicinal. Dark and milk chocolate and also caramel are present. There may be a hint of nougat/marzipan, but it is overpowered by the molasses and black licorice.

Drinkability: This is good stuff. The medicinal element is a bit of a turnoff but it is a pretty tasty brew.

Fun facts about OCS

-Style: It is classified on BA as “Milk/Sweet Stout.”

-Price: $3.49/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: According to the beer’s webpage it is “Best served at about 51°F (11°C).”

-Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

-No only is OCS organic, it is also vegan.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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