Beer of the Weekend #464: Sünner Kölsch
Work and errands have been nonstop recently, so I need a beer. Fittingly, I have a couple recommendation candidates chilling my fridge. (More work! Yay! This is why I may not be writing for the LV much longer.)
The beer tonight is an authentic kölsch, unlike the shameful imitation I drank this weekend: Sünner Kölsch, brewed by the Gebr. Sünner GmbH & Co. KG of Köln, Germany.
Serving type: 500 ml bottle. There is no easily discernable freshness date. There is a “Best before End:” space on the back label, but nothing printed there.
Appearance: Served in a Stange. The beer is a light straw color and topped with a thick, white, meringue-like head that settles very slowly and unevenly, leaving foam stuck to the glass.
Smell: Crisp and very floral. It has that barnyard or freshly cut hay aroma. It also has nice esters, too — strawberry, apple, and even a little banana — and a splash of citrus.
Taste: Crisp, clean, and dry. It mostly mirrors the smell, though the floral bitterness really shines. Hay loft, pale malts, some esters, a splash of zest, and a really nice bite.
Drinkability: Light, tasty, and refreshing. This is good stuff.
Fun facts about SüKö (I love umlauts):
-Style: Kölsch.
-Price: $2.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.
-Serving temperature: 40-45ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.
The beer tonight is an authentic kölsch, unlike the shameful imitation I drank this weekend: Sünner Kölsch, brewed by the Gebr. Sünner GmbH & Co. KG of Köln, Germany.
Serving type: 500 ml bottle. There is no easily discernable freshness date. There is a “Best before End:” space on the back label, but nothing printed there.
Appearance: Served in a Stange. The beer is a light straw color and topped with a thick, white, meringue-like head that settles very slowly and unevenly, leaving foam stuck to the glass.
Smell: Crisp and very floral. It has that barnyard or freshly cut hay aroma. It also has nice esters, too — strawberry, apple, and even a little banana — and a splash of citrus.
Taste: Crisp, clean, and dry. It mostly mirrors the smell, though the floral bitterness really shines. Hay loft, pale malts, some esters, a splash of zest, and a really nice bite.
Drinkability: Light, tasty, and refreshing. This is good stuff.
Fun facts about SüKö (I love umlauts):
-Style: Kölsch.
-Price: $2.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.
-Serving temperature: 40-45ºF.
-Alcohol content: 5.4 percent ABV.
The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.