Beer of the Weekend #431: Avec les Bons Voeux de la Brasserie Dupont

I have been a good boy the last two weeks and have not had a single taste of beer on a weeknight. However, I decided it is time to finally try the last of my Christmas haul: Avec les Bons Voeux de la Brasserie Dupont, brewed by (you guessed it) the Brasserie Dupont of Tourpes, Belgium.

According to the beer’s webpage (with the awful and French-infused punctuation included):

Since 1970, the brewery has been brewing a special beer to give as a new years present to their best clients. (the name of this beer “Avec les bons Vœux de la brasserie Dupont » means « With the best wishes of the brewery Dupont »).

Because of the increasing success, they started to commercialise this “cadeau” but kept the name. Although the demands were considerable, only a small quantity was brewed, so they had to make a reservation list, even months before new year.

Serving type: 750 ml bottle. “112006” is printed on the front label but I have no clue if it is a bottling date or not. Also, “2.011” is printed on the cork.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip glass. The color is hazy gold. Two fingers of white, fluffy head left a bubbly skim and thick ring around the edge.

Smell: Appealing farmhouse funk mixed with hayloft. Apple cider, clove spice. The farmhouse/Brett funk is tame compared to other saisons. Pepper spice gives it a little kick, and there are also hints of lemon and bubblegum.

Taste: Light, effervescent mouthfeel. The taste offers a nice kick of spice upfront; mostly pepper, but I want to say cloves are there, too. The Brett funk is present but is tame as in the smell. It is not as fruity as the aroma; no apple, really — at least it is not as prominent. No bubblegum, either. Mostly spice and a little lemon. The funkiness comes on as the beer warms. The booze is noticeable but not overpowering. It offers a nice warming sensation.

Drinkability: Pretty good stuff, though the taste disappoints. I think I would much rather drink this during the summer than the holiday season, though.

Fun facts about AlBVdlBD:

-Style: BA classifies it as saison.

-Price: I have no clue.

-Serving temperature: The beer’s webpage suggests serving “at cellar temperature (12°C) [53.6F] or even chilled….”

-Alcohol content: 9.5 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: The beer’s webpage suggests serving “as an aperitif or as the companion of your paté, anguilles à l’escavêche….”

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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