Beer of the Weekend #1,057: Mount Trashmore Trail Mix

The beer last weekend was Mount Trashmore Trail Mix, brewed by the Lion Bridge Brewing Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Mount Trashmore Trail Mix

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “04/24/23” is printed on the bottom. Another can of old beer from the IC co-op.

Appearance: Poured into a tulip. The color is dark ruby. Lots of ruby-tinted, billowy, dense foam develops despite a careful and slow pour, and settles slowly and unevenly.

Smell: It is a fruity liquid granola bar. There are scents of chocolate, peanut butter, blueberry muffin, dried berries, and sour funk.

Taste: The flavor is mellow and somewhat muted but still tasty. There is a lot of berry, mostly reminiscent of dried and candied berries reminiscent of those in a granola bar. There is a hint of peanut. It reminds me of a Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif Bar. There is also a touch of chocolate.

Fun facts about MTTM:

• Style: Kettle sour.

• Price: $9.99 for a six-pack of 12-ounce cans at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.

• Here is the beer’s description from the brewery website: “A beery love song to the Cedar Rapids mountain we all love so much. Raise your glass to a successful summit, or fortify your body before the attempt. We love you, Mt. Trashmore!”

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.


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