Beer of the Weekend #1,052: Brick Red Ale

After having my first red ale in forever this summer, it is time to have another, this time from Iowa: Brick Red Ale, brewed by the Keg Creek Brewing Company of Glenwood, Iowa.

Brick Red Ale

Serving type: 16-ounce can. There is a “CANNED ON:” box on the label but no date is written in it.

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. The color is clear medium copper. A finger of buttery, light tan head leaves an even skim, a thick collar, and spots of foam along the glass.

Smell: Light but malty. Caramel, a hint of cherry, cocoa, light earthy hops.

Taste: It is light and malty like the aroma. The flavors are muted but everything from the aroma is there: caramel, cherry, cocoa, light nut, and an earthy bite.

Fun facts about Brick Red Ale:

• Style: Red ale.

• Price: $11.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans.

• Alcohol content: 5.7 percent ABV.

• Here is the description from the label and brewery website:

An easy drinking beer with just enough complexity to make it interesting. Brick Red Ale drinks like a lager, with the attitude of an ale. Nutty aroma gives way to mild sweet caramel flavor and subtle background hops, with a smooth finish.

• I need to track down Murphy’s Irish Red. I drank it in college (around Thanksgiving 2004, if I remember correctly) but I doubt I’ve had it since.

The Quiet Man’s grade: C+


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