Beer of the Weekend #961: Drewrys Bock

Among my short list of New Year’s resolutions (which I need to write and post) is to write two blog posts per week and reach 1,000 beer reviews. This post is helping me do both.

The beer of the weekend concludes the Drewrys trifecta: Drewrys Bock, brewed by the Drewrys Brewing Company of South Bend, Indiana.

Drewrys Bock

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date.

Appearance: Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is medium caramel with a ruby tint. A half finger of head leaves a spotted skim and collar.

Smell: Cherry licorice dominates. It is very candy-like and reminds me of Twizzlers. Caramel is also present, as well as honey, a hot toddy element, and burnt sugar.

Taste: There is a lot more going on here. Cherry licorice, toasted malt, caramel, some burnt sugar or molasses. It is sweet and a honey/hot toddy element lingers on the taste buds.

Fun facts about Drewrys Bock:

Style: Bock.

Price: $6.99 for a six-pack of 12-ounce bottles at Gary’s in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

Alcohol content: I can’t find it.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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