Beer of the Weekend #957: Fun Size

Sometime around Halloween, I walked into the co-op in Iowa City and saw sixers of Fun Size, brewed by the Lion Bridge Brewing Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, near the door on the seasonal impulse-purchase rack.

I made the impulse purchase.

Fun Size

Serving type: 12-ounce can. “10/18/2021” is written on the bottom, so this is really fresh brew (and was super fresh when I bought it a few weeks ago).

Appearance: Poured into a nonic pint glass. The color is black, though I’m unsure of its opacity. A finger of tan head settles to an even skim.

Smell: It is reminiscent of a Snickers bar, though it definitely smells like an oatmeal stout. Roasted malt, oats, a touch of caramel, and dark chocolate.

Taste: More oatmeal stout than Snickers bar. The mouthfeel is smooth, albeit a touch thinner than I prefer. There are flavors of dark malt, dark chocolate, roasted bitterness, and caramel.

Fun facts about Fun Sized:

• Style: Lion Bridge calls it “oatmeal porter.”

• Price: I don’t think I grabbed the receipt. I think it was something like $9.99 for a sixer at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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