Beer of the Weekend #939: Carrera 2.0

 I was not feeling an IPA this weekend, but I bought one while in IC Thursday night: Carrera 2.0, brewed by the Big Grove Brewery of Iowa City, Iowa.

Carrera 2.0

The color is very hazy (basically cloudy) gold. A half finger of buttery, off-white head leaves a skim, collar, and bubbles.

The aroma is smooth, fruity, and very inviting, though slightly muted. It smells like a tropical smoothie. It’s such a pleasant and complex blend that it’s hard for me to deconstruct (though that is not hard since I’m pretty rusty these days). Mango, pineapple. The can mention’s lychee and white grape. I’m unfamiliar with lychee, but I get white grape.

The flavor is amazing. It’s an amazing tropical blend, much like the aroma. Pineapple, a touch of mango, and the white grape mentioned on the can. Again, it’s much like a tropical smoothie—with alcohol. The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy. The 1.0 version was brewed with oats, and I suspect this version is as well. It has a nice bitterness that lingers on the taste buds. This is a really tasty brew.

Fun facts about Carrera 2.0:

• Style. New England IPA.

• Price: $14.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans.

• Alcohol content: 7.5 percent ABV.

• There is no information regarding the name, which annoys me. I assume it has to with the Porsche Carrera.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A+


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