Beer of the Weekend #934: Crispii Pilz

It has been way too long since I reviewed a beer (since April!), so it’s time to start doing it again.

The beer of the weekend is Crispii Pilz, brewed by the Backpocket Brewery of Coralville, Iowa.

Crispii Pilz

Poured into a pilsner glass. The color is straw and features a chill haze and a lot of bubbles. A finger-width, off-white head dissipates quickly and leaves a short trail of lacing.

The first whiff is zesty and sharp. The aroma is muted overall, but there are scents of lemon, grass, and light esters.

It’s got bite ... a lot of bite! The flavor is zesty and bitter, and really works the tonsils. There are flavors of lemon zest, light bread, melon, and grass. The bitterness lingers on the tonsils and taste buds. It’s bright. The hops and bitterness fade as the beer continues to warm, though. I thought Crispii Pilz is a Czech-style pilsner, but the can says it is a nod to Texas-style pilsners. (There is no info about the beer on the Backpocket website.) It fits the style, at least as far as I have experience with; it reminds me of a beer from my Texas haul in 2015, probably Power & Light, which is a pale ale instead of a pilsner.

Fun facts about Crispii Pilz:

• Style: Pilsner.

• Price: I shredded the receipt before I noted the price (I’m out of practice), but I think it was around $1.99 for a 12-ounce can.

• Alcohol content: 4.2 percent ABV.

• IBU: 35.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B.


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