Beer of the Weekend #927: The Spice Must Flow

The beer of the weekend is something that has been chilling in my fridge for a month or more: The Spice Must Flow, brewed by the Lion Bridge Brewing Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

The Spice Must Flow

The color is nearly opaque black. A finger of crema-colored head settles slowly and evenly, leaving a collar and lacing stuck to the glass.

The aroma is amazing, enticing, and a bit intimidating. It’s like no other beer I recall. There are strong scents of maple, nutmeg, and cinnamon—as advertised on the can. There is also a roasted malt element reminiscent of coffee, chocolate, and caramel. I’m searching for grapefruit or some citrus, but nothing is coming to me.

Oh, the flavor is amazing! It is roasty like a stout but is accompanied by maple, nutmeg, and cinnamon. It is more spicy than bitter. It also has chocolate, molasses, caramel, and coffee. It is delicious! A roasted, spicy bitterness lingers on the tonsils.

Fun facts about The Spice Must Flow:

• Style: Black ale (which, I learned, is another term for black IPA).

• Price: $13.99 for a six-pack of 12-ounce cans at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City. “BORN ON 08/16/19” is printed on the bottom.

• Alcohol content: 7 percent ABV.

• Calories: 210 per 12-ounce serving (estimate).

• I was told that I “need a new background,” something that is a more natural setting for drinking beer, so I decided to pose the can and glass on my coffee table (complete with fake autumn leaves!).

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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