Beer of the Weekend #854: Yoga Poser

Whoops! I forgot to post my review of Yoga Poser, brewed by the No Coast Beer Company of Oskaloosa, Iowa, over the weekend.

The color is medium, lightly hazy amber. A finger of bubble-spotted, buttery, light tan head dissipates slowly and evenly, and is trailed by a short lacing on the glass. The aroma is a nice blend of arbor and citrus. It is tropical with notes of pineapple, mango, and grapefruit. It also has a solid malt base of caramel. The aroma has that sticky-sweet character reminiscent of freshly cut or squeezed juice. It’s earthy and also has a dose of pine. The first sip is a very enticing blend that invites more sips—which is always a good thing! It is more bitter and more astringent than the aroma led me to believe, but neither are overwhelming or distracting. The citrus is not as prominent, but zest and tropical flavors are present with mango, pine, grapefruit, and maybe a touch of pineapple. It has a prominent caramel base, and the earthy, arboreal bitterness works the taste buds. It leans bitter, but it is well-balanced stuff (which is fitting because of the name) that is very drinkable and enjoyable.

Fun facts about Yoga Poser:

• Style: Pale ale.

• Price: I forgot to grab the receipt, but I think it was around $7.99 for a four-pack of 16-ounce cans at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

• Alcohol content: 6 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.

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