Beer of the Weekend #599: bARLey and Me Puppy Pale Ale

The beer of the weekend is bARLey and Me Puppy Pale Ale, brewed by the Confluence Brewing Company of Des Moines, Iowa.

Serving type: 32-ounce mini-growler. “4204” is written on a tag affixed to the top of the cap, and I have no clue what it means.

Appearance: Pours a hazy, medium amber color into a nonick pint glass. A finger and a half of dense, frothy, buttery, eggshell-colored foam dissipates slowly, leaving lacing along the side of the glass.

Smell: The aroma is bursting with tropical fruit and citrus! It smells very fresh and invigorating. Mango, pineapple, kiwi, a little tangerine, cara cara orange, and grapefruit. There is also a sweet caramel malt presence that provides a very enticing balance.

Taste: The flavor is a delicious mirror image of the aroma. Most prominent are mango, tangerine, kiwi, a touch of pineapple, and grapefruit. A nice hoppy bite provides backing and lingers on the taste buds. Sweet caramel malt is also noticeable and balances the hop bitterness. The mouthfeel is full and bready.

Drinkability: This is very good beer that benefits a very good cause!

Fun facts about bARLey and Me:

-Style: Pale Ale.

-Price: $8.99/bottle at the New Pioneer Food Co-op in Iowa City.

-Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.

-IBU: 38.

-Why “Puppy” pale ale? The “ARL” in the name references the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. According to the beer’s webpage, “A portion of every sale of this beer goes to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. So raise a glass and help those furry critters and their handlers!” I’ll drink to that!

The Quiet Man’s grade: A-.

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