Beer of the Weekend #412: Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale

I unwrapped many excellent beers on Christmas Eve and plan to try them all eventually. In the meantime, I wanted to take it easy tonight because Bobblehead and I are having an all-day bowl marathon, which should include many frosty beverages. I will need to pace myself since I plan to open my magnum of Anchor Christmas Ale 2011.

Anyway. Every year I resolve to drink more bad beer. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? However, there is a line (or supposed line) I find it hard to stoop below when I am standing in the beer aisle every Friday. I want to spend my money on good stuff — or at least what I imagine to be good stuff — so there are many beers I avoid. That is one thing I should not do: avoid a beer. So tonight I decided to grab a sixer of something…

Actually, I am going to shut up and start drinking.

The beer of the weekend is Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale, brewed by the Spoetzel Brewery of Shiner, Texas.

Serving type: 12-ounce bottle A very faint freshness date is printed on the shoulder: “02 14 13.”

Appearance: Poured into a pint glass. The color is medium copper. One finger of eggshell-colored head dissipated quickly to leave a skim and ring around the edge.

Smell: Very floral and spicy nose; lots of white pepper. It actually reminds me of Snowstorm 2012 in that sense. As it warms, the spiciness subdues and scents of citrus (lemon and orange peel) and caramel emerge.

Taste: Floral hops and pepper spice provide the oomph while there is a solid malt base. Caramel, a little lemon zest, and maybe some orange peel.

Drinkability: It is a decent brew and offers a nice spiciness. However, that is really not what I expect from this style.

Fun facts about SWHPA:

-Style: American Pale Ale.

-Price: $6.99/sixer at the “Drug Town” on First Avenue and Rochester in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: 40-45ºF.

-Alcohol content: 5.5 percent ABV.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B-.

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