Beer of the Weekend #262: Reissdorf Kölsch

It is getting late, but I want to fit this review in. Not only may I not be able to write a traditional weekend BotW due to a family reunion, but tonight’s beer is something I have wanted to try for a long time.

The beer tonight is Reissdorf Kölsch, brewed by the Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf of Cologne, Germany.

This is the very first authentic kölsch I have ever tried. Yellowtail Pale Ale, BotW #142, is considered a kölsch, but Reissdorf Kölsch is a true kölsch in the fact that it is from Cologne (Köln, in German), the style’s native city. Within the EU, kölsch is considered a “protected designation of origin,” meaning that only brewers in the Cologne region can brew kölsch. Thankfully, I wrote all about kölsch during my review of Yellowtail Pale Ale, so y’all can head over there for style facts and I can get on with the tasting.

Speaking of which, I am using my newly acquired “stange,” the proper beerware for kölsch. “Stange” is German for “pole.” According to Wikipedia, it “is often derisively called a Reagenzglas (test tube), or Fingerhut (thimble).” As far as I know, it is only used for kölsch. That’s right: I just spent five bucks on a glass I will probably only use to drink one style of beer.

Serving type: One 500 ml bottle. No freshness date that I can see. Oddly, this was the only bottle of authentic kölsch left at John’s.

Appearance: Poured into a stange. The color is gold with a hint of amber. Three fingers of thick, buttery head dissipated slowly, leaving trails of foam on the glass, a thin lacing, and a ring around the edge.

Smell: A very nice bouquet of malts and fruit. Sweet malts, caramel, tart apple, strawberry, peach, and very inviting grassy hops.

Taste: Very lager-like for what is technically an ale. The taste does not offer as much sweetness and fruit, but that is perfectly fine with me. It is very malty and there is no dominant flavor. The mouthfeel is dry and each sip ends a tad bitter from grassy hops.

Drinkability: Good stuff. I am now convinced my German ancestors were not big beer drinkers. If they were, they must have emigrated due to crushing economic or social pressures.

Fun facts about Reissdorf Kölsch:

-Style: Kölsch.

-Price: $3.99/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: The style’s Wikipedia page suggests 50ºF, while Michael Jackson’s
Great Beer Guide recommends 48ºF.

-Alcohol content: 4.8 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: Rye bread is a recommendation I saw for another kölsch.

The Quiet Man’s grade: B+.


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