Beer of the Weekend #194: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout

The second brown bottle for lunch (now a very late lunch) today is Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout, brewed by Samuel Smith Old Brewery of Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, England.

I don’t know if I should be drinking this stuff this late. I plan to run in an hour. Also, I may need to find a new portrait staging area. Though useful, that calendar is really not an ideal background.

Serving type: One 12-ounce bottle. No freshness date on the bottle, but there is an apparent batch code printed on the neck.

Appearance: Straight pour into a pint glass. The color is a deep, deep brown that is heading toward black. Though the back label says it is opaque, a lot of light passed through when I held it to my lamp. Three fingers of tanned head developed and dissipated to leave a lacing of thick spots and a ring around the edge. It looks very creamy.

Smell: A nice blend of sweet caramel, slightly roasted dark chocolate, oatmeal, brown sugar, black licorice, and butterscotch. Though this is obviously much darker, the sweet caramel reminds me of Fuller’s London Pride.

Taste: Wow. The mouthfeel is thick and creamy; it seemed like my first sip slowly and hesitantly rolled off the edge of the glass. The taste is a heavenly blend of elements from the smell; the roasted dark chocolate is most prominent, and it leaves a nice bitterness, but added to that backbone are flavors of oatmeal, brown sugar, and butterscotch. The sweet caramel is there as well, likely keeping the roasted bitterness in check, but it does not announce itself for me as much as it did in the smell.

Drinkability: Damn good stuff. It is certainly worthy of celebration.

Fun facts about SMOT:

-Style: Oatmeal Stout.

-Price: $2.79/bottle at John’s Grocery in Iowa City.

-Serving temperature: The Samuel Smith website says Oatmeal Stout is best served around 55ºF.

-Alcohol content: 5 percent ABV.

-Food pairings: The “serving suggestions” from Samuel Smith are “pizza and salad; pasta and other Italian foods; lobster with drawn butter; steak and kidney pie; ploughman’s lunch; dark flavourful bread; British and French cheeses.”

-According to the Samuel Smith website, SMOT is vegan approved by The Vegan Society.

-Shit. I just realized I won’t be running tonight. I have not washed my running stuff since the last time I ran. Damn it! Anyway, I fucking hate running at the UI Rec Building. All that turning destroys my upper legs.

The Quiet Man’s grade: A.


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