Hot off the Press: Slipknot down to 20 or so members edition

There wasn’t much on The Quiet Man’s news desk this week except these two interesting pieces:

"Tragedy in Detroit, With Reality TV Crew in Tow":

To Kill a Mockingbird turns 50 this summer, and there are parties planned all over the country: I "read" Mockingbird back in high school, but I don't remember a single thing about it. I'll have to pick up a used copy while I'm back in IC.

It was laziness. Plain and simple. I’ve been back in Iowa since Thursday, but haven’t dedicated much time to browsing the papers. I read the news while on vacation, but don’t absorb, digest, or feel the need to share it as I do while in California. Shamefully, I would much rather relax and enjoy my time back in the heartland than fret over growing tensions on the Korean peninsula, the endless oil spill in the Gulf, and Slipknot’s dead bassist. (Two of those examples should receive serious attention, while the other is just an old fashioned love song playin’ on the radio.)

Not only do I not read the news, I don’t write, blog, or read in general. There’s a whole lot of unproductiveness going on when I’m back home. My time is precious here so I jam my schedule as full as possible. I haven’t even gotten a good night’s sleep. I stay up too late and get up around 8 a.m. so I don’t waste the entire morning in bed. But soon I’ll be able to fully enjoy the wonders of home without being rushed, and when that time comes I will no doubt develop a similar news reading habit.


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