
Like everyone, I sometimes get songs stuck in my head, especially songs I haven't heard in a while. A sound or word will make things click. A connection will be made, and parts of a song start playing in my head.

Lately I've had Beatles songs in my head. On Saturday, I was hualing dirt in a wheelborrow for my dad when I started thinking of lyrics:

They're gonna put me in the movies,
they're gonna make a big star out of me.
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely,
and all I gotta do is act naturally.

Of couse, I couldn't remember the third line, so I only had the first two and last one. But nothing set it off, nothing made me think of it, that I can tell consciously. There I was, pushing a wheelborrow across the back yard, and I stared singing those lines in my head. Another Beatles song I had on my mind was from "Honey Pie" on the White Album. Walking down the steps from work, about to cross Riverside Drive to pass through the art building, I started thinking:

Honey Pie,
you are making me crazy,
I'm in love but I'm lazy,
so won't you please come home.

I was also thinking of the line that ends "...sail across the Atlantic." I went home and listened to the song. I've always loved the flow of the words and instruments in it.

The strange thing is I hardly ever listen to the Beatles. All their albums I have are on my computer, but I rarely play them.


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